Your house in Italy
Real estate investments
Legal firm specializing in real estate law

Buying a house in Italy is the dream of many. Today, moreover, the Italian real estate market represents an excellent investment. Cities of art, villages, and small towns, both by the sea and in the mountains, provide a frame to historical monuments and centuries-old traditions spread from north to south of the peninsula.

However, we understand that finding the right deal can become quite challenging. Navigating through bureaucracy and industry regulations is increasingly complicated for potential buyers. Dealing on one's own with real estate agents and homeowners is difficult because sellers are primarily interested in closing the deal at the best price and in a short time. Conducting property inspections based solely on the advertising announcement and some information provided by the seller can lead to unpleasant surprises. Managing advances of money without additional guarantees can expose you to scams and legal disputes. Signing unclear contracts without evaluating all clauses can have very negative consequences. Neglecting tax aspects before, during, and after the purchase can make your investment uneconomical. For these reasons, our legal office will accompany you from the beginning to the end, ensuring the safe conclusion of the deal. Want to know more?

Some believe that buying a house in another country is as simple as looking at a few online ads and finding a local contact. If you don't fall into this category, you will likely appreciate these insights. The three minimal aspects to consider in real estate transactions are: the market, negotiation, and the management of the property you are going to purchase.

In particular, it is necessary to understand the two main Italian real estate markets. In fact, there is not only the classic free real estate market among private individuals. Alongside this, there are property auctions managed by the Court. It is also important to have a good understanding of the actual price trends, which, on average, tend to decrease in central and southern Italy.

Negotiation is a very delicate moment and should only occur after the essential three property checks: technical, legal, and notarial. Signing anything before the necessary inspections exposes you to unnecessary risks. Consider that the seller will have the buyer sign several contracts containing various clauses and very specific penalties (irrevocable purchase proposal, preliminary contract, final contract, etc.).

Lastly, the long-term management of the property in terms of taxation, current value, and future profitability should not be underestimated. Want to know more?

We are a legal firm specializing in real estate law, handling international real estate transactions in major markets. We are present online with the Housemorning24 website, both for the traditional real estate market among private individuals and for judicial property auctions in the Court. We operate throughout Italy for international clients, maintaining numerous partnerships and collaborations with leading industry operators. Need assistance?

NOTES. For maximum guarantee and transparency towards you, we provide the following additional information about us. The legal firm offers legal advice in real estate law to facilitate international real estate transactions securely. The activity aims to prevent or manage complications, conflicts, or even scams between you and the sellers: before, during, and after the property purchase. We would like to emphasize that this is not real estate mediation (typical of sellers), nor financial advice (reserved for banks), nor commercial or similar activities (external to the legal profession), nor any other activity in conflict with the legal code of ethics and industry regulations. Professional activities are carried out in full compliance with national, European, and category ethical standards. See transparency information and legal notes at the bottom of the page.

Some of YOUR success stories on display.


To safely purchase a property it is necessary to perform at least three very important checks: technical, legal, and notarial.

The first check (technical) allows assessing the actual condition of the property - structure, systems, finishes, etc. The second check (legal) aims to verify, first of all, the reliability of the selling party in terms of property ownership, transparency of the required payment methods, and legitimacy to act as intermediaries for the appointed sellers. Additionally, this check helps identify contract clauses that are too disadvantageous, unclear, or even fraudulent. Finally, it verifies the presence of necessary municipal authorizations and any legal burdens on the property - building violations, risky donations, legal claims, mortgages, foreclosures, trusts, heritage funds, etc.

The third and final check (notarial) allows verifying the continuity of twenty-year transcripts on the property, along with anything else necessary for the final deed of sale.

Our legal firm will assist you in all these phases to avoid encountering problematic situations. Want to know more?

The law firm has various partnerships and agreements with leading professionals in the field throughout Italy (technicians, notaries, accountants, banks, etc.). The client will only need to rely on our legal firm to receive assistance in all stages of the purchase. Want to know more?

After the purchase, the customer may have to deal with many responsibilities: transferring utilities; settling tax obligations; dealing with tenants by drawing up regular contracts and managing any arrears; facing renovations by preparing appropriate contracts and handling various issues with the appointed companies; making agreements with companies for landscaping, security, and property management; in addition to all the other small or large bureaucratic matters related to the property that may arise over time. Our law firm, if necessary, will assist you in all legal operations related to the property you have purchased. Want to know more?


In Italy (as in other countries), it is necessary to preliminarily verify to what extent it is allowed for foreign buyers to invest in real estate, financial products, and/or Italian companies (the so-called principle of reciprocity). Do you want to check your case?

In Italy, real estate advertisements are managed by the property owners or their real estate agents. The advertised properties, at times, may have very serious bureaucratic and/or legal issues that are often not highlighted in the listings. Checking this aspect is extremely important. Need help?

The main problem with property inspections is the risk of wasting time and money on visiting inappropriate properties. Therefore, embarking on long journeys solely based on an advertising announcement is not highly recommended. Do the photos accurately represent reality? Are the basic services of the property functioning? Is the standard bureaucracy in order? What is the actual urban context in which the property is located? Is the property value in line with the current market? We believe verifying these aspects is important.

In Italy, almost always, during the property inspection, the potential buyer is often asked to sign a form called 'irrevocable unilateral purchase proposal' and to pay a deposit called 'caparra' to immediately secure the deal. In practice, the potential buyer commits to paying the property at a predetermined price by advancing a certain amount, which, in case of a change of mind, is retained by the seller. Do you understand the potential risks of this step? In our experience, one should never sign any documents unless the three basic checks - technical, legal, and notarial - have been performed first. Furthermore, our legal firm often manages to bypass these intermediary contractual steps (common for the average buyer) and defers any commitment until after the necessary checks. Need help?

It's important to know that in Italy, the so-called 'preliminary contract' is entered into between the parties to address certain issues in anticipation of the future final contract. Have you been able to grasp the potential risks? Let's try to understand them together. Many times, with this type of contract, the buyer pays a deposit, promising to purchase, and the seller commits to regularizing or bringing the property into compliance within a certain timeframe. What happens if the state permits are not obtained within the deadlines, or if the necessary work is not carried out on time? Are we sure that the seller will refund the deposit without creating difficulties? In case of problems, what will be the time and costs involved in seeking justice before a judge? We want to try to avoid all of this. Need help?

Have I checked the bank account to which I am depositing the down payment? Have I conducted the necessary bureaucratic checks before transferring any amount? Have I considered using a restricted bank account opened with a notary? These are some of the questions you should ask yourself before making any deposits. Would you like to know more?

As is normal, the property owner and the appointed real estate agent have the interest to sell as soon as possible and at the best possible price. Your interest as a buyer should be to close a good deal safely, avoiding any kind of issues. Do you want to rely on experienced legal professionals in the field?



We will assist you in dealing property owners and real estate agents to find the best real estate investments of the moment safely and quickly.


We will assist you during the site visit, and then carry out the three standard preliminary checks: technical, notarial, and legal.


We will assist you in verifying the contractual aspects related to the purchase of your interest, until the conclusion of the transaction safely.